We love our dogs and many of us love our vehicles too. If you want to have your dog in the car with you on a regular basis, your car can quickly lose its “just-out-of-the-dealership” look. Find out how to dog proof your car, with some neat car accessories from the Travall team.
Add a pet barrier
The first essential to dog proof your car is unquestionably a Travall Guard. With this pet barrier in position there’s no chance of your dog climbing over the seats in the car, leaving hair, mud and wet paw prints on the upholstery. Your dog is securely positioned at the rear of the vehicle – not only is he comfortable but the other passengers are too.

Slide in a trunk liner
The second must-have item is a Travall CargoMat. Who wants to be vacuuming the trunk after every trip? Adding a rubber trunk liner makes life easier. Simply wipe down the trunk mat or shake it out so the trunk’s interior stays pristine.

Fit a rear upper bumper protector
With your dog getting in and out of the trunk, the upper bumper area can quickly get scratches from dog claws. A simple solution to keep paintwork looking good is to add a Travall Protector. This tough, plastic bumper protector is fantastic at protecting the upper bumper from scratches and scrapes. It’s super easy to install – find out more in this 5-step guide here.

So if you want more details on how to dog proof your vehicle, just visit the Travall website and discover the range of vehicle-specific products available for the car you drive.