Best-in-class accessories for the A-Class to make that predator face beam

I have a confession to make. I’m considering changing my car at the moment.  There, I’ve finally admitted to it and you’re probably a bit shocked by this revelation. Many of you know that I am particularly attached to my current vehicle and frequently wax lyrical about its virtues. Despite my fondness for my own Goldilocks mobile I must admit that in reality it is getting a little long in the tooth.  So as I make my daily commute I’ve found myself flirting with other options. My preference is for a smaller car so that I can squeeze into smallish parking spots in the city. One vehicle that has caught my eye is the Mercedes-Benz A-class. I don’t know whether that’s because I’m just simply drawn to the lines of the A-Class with its distinctive “predator face”. Or is it because of the song by Janis Joplin (“Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes-Benz”) that’s made me think that one day I should own an item from this luxury brand?  When I heard that Travall has a range of car accessories for Mercedes-Benz A-Class (2018 – ), I wanted to take a closer look at the car itself and the new Travall products available to protect its interior.

The Mercedes-Benz A-Class has been around longer than I’d previously realised. It is now in its fourth generation of the vehicle. This new generation is known for its so-called “predator face,” which gives it a more sporty, contemporary look.  The small vehicle size is deceptive as it has plenty of capacity for family travel. The 5-door hatchback style makes it easy for passengers to get in and out of the car.

Travall car accessories are available for Mercedes-Benz A-Class (2018 – ).  These include the must-have Travall Guard so my dog can be securely positioned behind a perfectly fitting dog guard when we’re headed for the park. Travall Mats for this new model vehicle will ensure that my muddy trainers won’t ruin the luxurious interior when we drive back home after a particularly squelchy outing. With more Travall products planned for this model year, I know I’d be able to kit it out to my requirements. I love the Travall products, as they all offer that vehicle-specific, perfect fit. They are OEM quality,  but are far more stylish. So much thought has been put into making premium products that are not only fit for purpose but that also look good in your vehicle. They are certainly the ideal complement to this more edgy Mercedes-Benz styling.

Travall Guard for Mercedes-Benz A-Class with predator face
Travall Guard for Mercedes-Benz A-Class (2018 >)

If my budget won’t stretch to a 2018 model, there’s also the option of going down the used car route to find a well cared for A-Class (2015 – 2018). Sadly I wouldn’t get to drive around with that adorable predator face. Yet on the positive side, Travall already has an even wider selection of accessories for this version of the vehicle, also including a Travall Liner and Travall Protector. That’s certainly tempting!

Hmmmm, both the new car route and the used car option have their strengths, so I’ve got a lot of thinking ahead.  In the meantime, if you see a commuter staring intently at your vehicle while you’re on your way to work, it’ll likely be me trying to weigh up whether that make and model has the potential to be my next Goldilocks mobile.