Adopting a senior pet: could a rescue dog be perfect for you?

For some the global pandemic has had positive effects. The chance to spend more time with the family at home and the opportunity to discover what makes them happy in life.  Having a dog as part of the family is very high up on many people’s lists of what makes them happy, so it is no wonder that dog ownership has risen during this time. On the flip side, there are others experiencing economic or health difficulties to the extent that caring for a pet is no longer possible. So there is also a rise in pets being given up for adoption.  If you are looking to add a pet to your family, maybe adopting a senior pet could be a great option for you and the rescue dog. Why not consider the following benefits of senior dog adoption for you and for the dog?

Rescue dogs are house trained

House training a puppy takes time, persistence and patience. When you adopt a senior pet, you are pretty much guaranteed that house training has already been achieved. So barring the odd accident as the dog gets used to the new household routine, you should be already set to go.

Rescue dogs are “good” dogs

The vast majority of senior dogs in shelters are there due to family circumstances, not due to any fault on the dog’s part.  If their elderly owner passes away or if their young owner moves to an apartment where pets are not allowed,  a dog can end up living in a shelter.  Whatever the lifestyle change or circumstance that led to them being given up, they will want to please their new pet parents. They will adore attention and love in a new home. 

Rescue dogs are easy to have around

Many senior dogs are a lot calmer and less energetic than young pups. So they can be easier to have around. They are often less destructive as they are long past their teething stage, so there should be fewer worries about your couch cushions getting gnawed on.  They’ve also likely been well socialised so have familiarity with people of all ages including children.

Rescue dogs are ready for adventure

If you adopt a senior pet, you immediately have a buddy to take on adventures.  There’s no waiting until they’ve received all their vaccinations before they can go for walks, there’s no waiting for their bones to have developed sufficiently to go on hikes or runs. An older dog is ready for adventure and ready to play with you.

There are plenty of senior pets who would love the chance at finding a new home. Would your family or someone you know be interested in adopting a senior pet? Get more details on senior pet adoption via the Dogs Trust website or the RSPCA. Share our post with friends, so that more people can experience that special bond between a rescue dog and its new pet parent.