8 New Year’s resolutions for you and your dog in 2019

Happy New Year!! Where did 2018 go? We’ve reached that time of year again, when many of us reflect on the year gone by and resolve to make improvements in certain areas of our lives with one or two New Year’s resolutions.  For the vast majority of us making a resolution involves something that directly affects our own life – losing weight, exercising more, giving up something that isn’t healthy for us – are the usual types of things.  This year, why not resolve to do something that can directly affect the wellbeing of your dog too. We list 8 ideas that would be beneficial to your dog and ultimately to you too:

  1. Install a Travall Guard so he has a secure position at the back of your vehicle on a journey.
  2. Brush your dog’s teeth daily to ensure he can continue to chew his favourite treats without pain. Our blog post on dental care for dogs gives you tips on how to go about this if you’re new to dog care.
  3. Weigh out your dog’s food. As with humans, pets are becoming increasingly obese.  Being aware of the exact amount of food that your dog is consuming is one way to tackle the issue.  
  4. Try out different walks, so that your dog and you don’t get bored of doing the same route day after day.
  5. Exercise your dog’s mind with the use of toys that challenge your pet.
  6. Try a new activity with your dog. This could include something like trying agility sessions or a new sport such as canicross.
  7. Make a habit of grooming your dog daily to keep your dog looking good and so you are aware of health changes more quickly.
  8. Teach your dog a new trick.  If he’s already got some of the basics down, why not progress to something a bit more difficult.  It’ll be good fun for both of you.

From the entire team here at Travall we wish you all the very best for 2019!!