8 Activities For A Snow Day In The UK

Love it or hate it, the white fluffy stuff we call snow is both a friend and an enemy. Most kids love the snow and love playing with it but many adults hate the reality of the travel issues it causes. If you find yourself with a snow day, we’ve got 8 ideas for activities for all ages, so everyone can get out and get active.

Sledging with the kids

Sledging is lots of fun, particularly for the younger ones. If you have a nearby grassy hill then that could be the perfect location for sledging after a significant snowfall. When choosing a hill, snow is better than ice for safety reasons and avoid hillsides near a street or car park. If you don’t have a sledge then you can either make one yourself, which is all part of the fun or pick one up from your local hardware shop. Plus, don’t forget to wrap up warm!

Build a snowman

A long-standing family tradition here in the UK and a fun activity for all ages. Depending on how long you want to spend on your snowman (or how much snow has fallen) you could choose to make a miniature one or build a towering giant! Once it’s assembled you then need to find the perfect set of twigs for its arms and a carrot for a nose always looks best. We’d love to see your cute snowman pictures.

Build an igloo

If you’re after more of a challenge than building the standard snowman, an igloo could make for an enjoyable and fun activity. Building an igloo takes a lot of snow and a lot of time, so save it for a day when we’ve had a few inches of snowfall. Try to use denser blocks of snow for the construction of the igloo if you can as it holds better. We hear using cardboard boxes as moulds for the bricks works a treat!

Go for a run with your dog

Many dogs love playing in the snow so why not take them out for a run. Go to your local park or forest area and let them have their fun in the snow. Also, there is nothing better than running alongside them but be careful not to slip over. For that reason, we’d recommend only doing this in light, fluffy snow conditions before it starts getting icy. Here are a few Winter activities you can enjoy with your dog – snow or not: https://blog.travall.com/en-gb/winter-activities-with-dogs-why-getting-active-will-change-your-life/

Make snow angels

Who doesn’t love making snow angels? It really is a lot of fun and if you can get your entire family involved and start from smallest to tallest it looks great! Ensure all who participate in the fun are appropriately dressed for the conditions and wear waterproofs if possible. Once you’ve finished, go back inside, sit by the fire and enjoy some hot chocolate and a family board game.

Skiing or snowboarding

Similar to sledging but requiring a bit more gear and a bit more know-how.. Skiing and snowboarding are best done on the bigger hills.f you’ve never been skiing or snowboarding before we’d recommend supervision or professional lessons beforehand. Why not head to your closest ski centre to see if this is the sport for you?


If you fancy a great cardiovascular workout in the snow then there is nothing better than snowshoeing. Get yourself a pair of snowshoes, put your thermals on and head on outdoors. For those looking for a more significant challenge, pay a visit to some of your local hiking trails.

Cross-country skiing

Cross-country skiing, also known as Nordic skiing, is usually practised over flat ground. It’s suitable for all ages and it is a lovely way to get around an area. Cross-country skiing is best practised far from the hustle and bustle on a quiet country trail that offers a wide variety of terrain.

With all of these snow-fuelled activities, the next time we get a snow day there absolutely is “snow excuse.” Turn off your electronic devices get your hat and scarf on and have some fun with your friends, family and dog!