Does your dog guard do THIS?

We understand that there are myriad options when it comes to the best dog guard for your vehicle. There are net barriers, universal guards and of course those that are designed specifically for your vehicle. Choosing the right one can be a bit daunting, so it’s wise to consider some of the following questions:

  • What will its primary purpose be? 
  • Will it stay in my car permanently? 
  • How long does it need to last? 
  • How much do I want to spend?

Biases aside, in this series we aim to help you make the right decision. We demonstrate why the Travall Guard is a great option for most people. In this entry we’ll discuss the vehicle-specific design, alongside the ease of installation and removal of this dog guard.

Vehicle-specific Design of the Dog Guard: 

The fact that the Travall Guard is vehicle-specific, using 3-D imaging for a precise fit has numerous benefits. Firstly, you are guaranteed peace of mind when it comes to the guard’s fit. There will be no gaps around the sides and no need to modify or use any tools, as it uses your car’s existing fixing points.

Unlike the universal guards on the market, Travall isn’t trying to cater for everyone with one product. Instead, the team designs specific guards for more makes and models than any other company, covering all of the popular vehicle brands. To ensure you pick the correct model, we’ve also developed a vehicle selector tool on our website, which will show you all of the available products for your vehicle. 

Finally, another advantage of the vehicle-specific design is the fact that it will not develop an irritating rattle over time, as is sometimes the case with universal designs. Vibration and regularly altering the adjustable fixing cause this. The rubber end caps on the Travall Guard also minimise noise and prevent scratches. 

Travall Guard fixed securely in place

Hassle-free Installation and Removal of the Dog Guard:

Another reason to consider a Travall Guard over a universal, or net option is the ease with which it can be installed and removed. Again, owing to its vehicle-specific design the guard can be installed in around 10 minutes. A perfect fit out of the box is guaranteed, so there’s no need to make any adjustments.

Although it is easy to remove the guard when it’s not required, the secure fixing points mean there is no need to remove the guard when the seats are folded down. Even when the seats are lying flat, it remains fixed in place. Whether you’re simply carrying extra luggage or taking your bike to the trail, it’s surprising how often the average person needs to lower their rear seats. This is something you really ought to consider if you’re someone who often needs to transport large goods in their car, as the time taken to remove and reinstall guards will soon add up. 

Mountain bike secured in boot with rear seats lowered and Travall Guard still in place

So there you have just a few reasons why a Travall Guard should be at the top of your list as the best pet barrier for your vehicle. Be sure to keep your eyes on this series for more great features.