Your dog’s tail position: a guide to what that tail wagging means

Reading a person’s body language can tell you a lot about how that person is feeling. The same is true when looking at the tail movements of a dog. Reading those tail movements correctly is important in determining whether your dog is anxious, angry or excited. You may be surprised to know that a wagging tail does not always indicate happiness in a dog. Understanding what your dog’s tail position looks like and means is helpful for dealing with your own dog and for spotting signs to be aware of when encountering other dogs. Here’s our very simple guide to know more about what that tail wagging means. 

A dog showing positive feelings

  • Playful –  your dog’s tail position is up high, and it will be wagging. 
  • Confident and proud – dog stands tall, tail held high with slow sweeps.
  • Excited – wagging tail in circles. 
  • Relaxed – the tail follows its natural curve or curls over his back. This position will vary depending on the breed of the dog.

Feelings to be alert to

  • Nervous – tail held up straight and still.
  • Uncertain  – tail held rigidly and straight out.
  • Worried – tail positioned low and slowly wagging
  • Stressed – tail down and tucked, yet wagging quickly.
  • Alert – hair at the base of the tail stands on end.
  • Uneasy – downward position tail and quite still.
  • Aggressive –  tail rigid and straight out level with their body. Some dogs make very deliberate, rhythmic sweeping motions.
  • Threatened – tail held horizontally and rigid.
  • Fearful  – tail tucked or held between back legs.