7 Winter Fishing Tips That’ll Have You Reeling Them In!

The weather has gotten colder and for many anglers across the UK, this means bites are often harder to come by. Fishing on your local river or commercial fishery can prove to be far more challenging at this time of year and you need to adapt. Here are our top 7 Winter fishing tips to help you catch more during the Winter season and to get more enjoyment from the sport you love!

1) Fish for a different species

Carp is probably one of the favourite UK fish species among anglers – partly due to the fight they put up and the challenge in catching them. Carp fishing is really a speciality on its own. However, during Winter, carp are not as active. They don’t feed as often as the other months and so it can prove very tricky to get bites and land one. Our advice is to change it up. If you have tried fishing for carp and been unsuccessful, broaden your horizons and target a different species. There are plenty of obliging Winter feeding species including chub, pike, roach, perch and more. So change your tactics, change your approach and you might just have more fun!

2) Don’t fish when it’s icy

Being an avid angler is sometimes hard work. You always have an itch to scratch. You want to be by the water catching fish even during the harshest weather conditions. There are times though when you should just put your feet up at home and sit by the fire. The main one being is when water is iced over. Although ice fishing is a specialised art in certain parts of the world it isn’t something that we normally have to deal with here in the UK. I know a lot of us have been there before, trying to break the ice and creating an area to fish in, but it just causes disruption to the fish in the area. Also, unless you have specialist equipment, your success rate of catching something is highly unlikely as you’ll have scared many of the fish away. The most likely thing you’re going to catch on a day like this is a cold!

3) Feed less often and feed tightly

During the warmer parts of the year, you’re likely going to be feeding the area you are fishing constantly to keep the fish there. However, as the weather gets colder, fish metabolism gets slower so most of the time you don’t need to feed that much. When you are feeding though it is essential to do it in small amounts over time. As well as this, it is even more important to feed in a tighter area as the fish will be more lethargic. We recommend using a catapult for accurate feeding or a pole with a pole cup.

4) Fish lighter

There is generally a lot less underwater vegetation during the Winter season so you don’t have to be as wary of snags. With this in mind and also the fact that fish are more lethargic so will put up less of a fight, you can often get away with fishing lighter. Use a lighter line and smaller hook to boost your chances of a bite. Also, if you carry less tackle, you can move around the lake or river more and try different spots. If you can locate the fish then you’ll catch more!

5) Fish at different times

At this time of year, fish feeding patterns change. Many species will feed during the warmer parts of the day which is usually mid-afternoon. If you fish for just a few hours during this time then you’re going to have a far better chance of catching. The first few hours of darkness shouldn’t be ignored either because fish tend to feed more confidently in the dark.

6) Stay warm

A bit of a straightforward one here but don’t forget to wrap up appropriately! When you are near the water it can often feel a lot colder and the wind can be harsher. We would recommend wearing thermals and proper Winter clothing to ensure you are comfortable and warm at all times. On top of that, don’t forget your flask! Nothing beats a hot drink or hot bowl of soup while you’re by the water.

7) Travel with peace of mind

We all know that fishing can get you rather mucky at times and a little slimy. To protect your vehicle, we would recommend installing vehicle-specific Travall Mats and a Travall Liner. Both of these rubber products will help to prevent the dirt and slime from damaging the interior of your vehicle. Furthermore, you’re likely going to be travelling to your chosen fishing spot with a lot of tackle. Avoid driving distractions and items flying out of the boot in the event of sudden braking with a Travall Guard – giving you peace of mind throughout the journey. Visit https://www.travall.co.uk for more details on their full range of vehicle-specific accessories.

Last but not least, good luck the next time you’re on the bank and remember… “good things come to those who bait”.