What to do when your dog doesn’t want to eat his dinner

Having a dog around is an absolute joy. But when he becomes ill and turns his nose up at food and water, it can be an extremely worrying time. We welcomed a puppy into our lives 10 ½ years ago and he has been a wonderful addition to the family.  When he’s become ill and our treat-loving scavenger has flatly refused food (and even water) we’ve had to resort to a variety of ways to try to coax him.  So what do you do when your dog doesn’t want to eat? We’ve got a few suggestions to tempt their taste buds.

The standard dog food may not hold much appeal to a sick dog.  Try encouraging him to eat with very flavoursome but bland foods such as tiny portions of chicken and rice. Some dogs like to have some chicken broth added to their regular food, so it’s worth trying this in very small quantities – little and more frequently is the key.

Ensuring an adequate intake of fluids is essential, so it is very important to try to encourage him to drink.

  • Add an ice cube to your dog’s water bowl.
  • Place more water bowls around the house.
  • Let him drink small amounts of water from the palm of your hand.
  • Make ice cubes out of chicken broth and encourage him to lick the cubes.
  • If he’s really struggling to drink on his own, he may accept water offered by syringe direct into his mouth.

Dogs can sometimes have vomiting and diarrhoea but remain in good spirits and still be keen to eat and drink. However, if he is looking weak and lethargic and your dog doesn’t want to eat his dinner or drink water, it’s important to get prompt expert assistance from your vet. 

Information given in this article is not a substitute for advice from a qualified medical professional.  Please consult a vet for advice specific to your dog.