Travall vehicle-specific products: the perfect Mother’s Day gift ideas

Do you have children? Are you looking for Mother’s Day gift ideas for your partner that are thoughtful and a bit different from the run-of-the-mill offerings?   We’ve got suggestions for Mother’s Day gift ideas that you may not have considered previously. They are products that the kids won’t outgrow and will give mum piece of mind at the same time. 

In an article by The Telegraph,1 it was shown that the average UK motorist spends 10 hours every week driving. This means our children are spending more time in our vehicles than we may realise, so giving plenty of thought to making your car child-ready is essential. You’ve selected the best rear-facing car seat for your baby’s needs and properly installed it in the back seat. You think you’re ready to go, right?  Well, almost. There is one addition that you may not have thought about – a Travall Guard.

A thoughtful Mother’s Day gift idea

When you have to do an emergency stop, items that are unsecured in the boot can be flung around the vehicle. This puts passengers at risk of injury.  To help protect vulnerable babies and young children from these items, savvy parents are installing vehicle-specific guards to help shield the child and to maximise valuable boot space at the same time.

Travall has been manufacturing the Travall Guard for nearly thirty years.  The barrier offers a snug, precise fit. You can install it without needing to modify your vehicle.  Installation takes an average of 15 minutes and unlike traditional, permanently installed guards, the Travall Guard can be removed in minutes for use at another time.

Embarking on parenthood is such an exciting time, but for any parent there are worries that go along with it. The Travall Guard alleviates one of those, giving you peace of mind that your children have an additional level of protection, so you can all enjoy the journey.  To give you further peace of mind and confidence in your purchase, the Travall Guard comes with a limited lifetime warranty. It’s the one essential piece of baby gear that your child won’t outgrow. 

Other thoughtful Mother’s Day gift ideas

Other Mother’s day gift ideas come in the form of vehicle-specific rubber car mats. They give full-coverage protection against the inevitable spills that are part and parcel of a busy family life.  You could select a vehicle-specific boot divider to keep your buggy separate from the weekly shop. Or maybe she’d prefer a vehicle-specific bumper protector to protect vulnerable paintwork when putting a bike or scooters in the boot. See what’s available for your partner’s car, we hear Travall has an excellent range…
