Travall Divider: why a boot divider helps divide and conquer your lifestyle

It’s been a little while and you’ve been enjoying the Travall Guard being in your car with all the features that it offers for transporting pets, transporting luggage and helping to shield passengers within the car itself.  Did you know that for many makes and models of vehicle Travall also offers a companion piece? This comes in the form of a vehicle-specific boot divider, known as the Travall Divider.

What does a Travall Divider do?

Quite simply the Travall Divider allows you to divide your boot into two separate compartments.  Some models of the divider split the boot 50:50. For certain vehicles there is the option of diving the boot 60:40 either left or right in addition to the 50:50 option.

What is the Travall Divider made of?

The Travall Guard is known for its high quality, perfect fit and strength, So, of course, Travall wanted the companion accessory to be of an equally high calibre.  For this reason, just like the Travall Guard, the Travall Divider consists of a steel frame with a scratch-resistant coating.  Both the guard and the divider are extremely durable and will continue to look good even after extensive use.

How can you use the Travall Divider?

The Travall Divider can only be used in conjunction with a Travall Guard.  It is simply not compatible with any other type of dog guard.

The Travall Divider for dog owners

Many people like to use the boot divider when transporting dogs in the car.  It is perfect for separating two dogs that may not always play nicely together on a journey, or for protecting dogs from luggage that may shift on the bends. It’s also pretty good for separating a hungry dog from your weekly grocery shopping.

The Travall Divider for an active lifestyle

Are you a golfer?  Place your golf clubs on one side of the boot divider and have the rest of your gear on the other.  Snowboarders can easily place a board on one side of the boot divider and salopettes on the other. Gardeners enjoy protecting delicate plants from bulky bags of compost on the journey home from the garden centre. Perhaps you like to camp.  Keep your wet tent separate from your dry gear on the journey home.

The Travall Divider for your daily commute

A vehicle-specific boot divider is also excellent if you use your car for business.  If your work vehicle doubles as your personal car you’ll know how important it can be to keep work- and home-life separate.  Adding a Travall Divider gives just enough separation between the two and allows you to better organise your boot space at the same time. Easily separate your work-related gear from your personal items.   

The Travall Divider for family life

If you’re a parent you already know that you sometimes have to carry a lot of stuff around with you.  Adding a divider to the boot of your car means that the dirty wheels of your buggy or scooter won’t crush or spoil the  latest art project or cupcakes for the school fête.

There are currently Travall Dividers for more than 330 models of vehicle and we’ve got more in development. Take a look at our website to see whether there is a boot divider suitable for the make, model and year of vehicle that you drive.