Tired of mud and paw prints? 3 easy ways to dog proof your car

Like anyone, there are things in my life that I absolutely love and that give me joy every day.  I won’t bore you with my list of loves, except for two items that feature pretty high up on that list – my dog and my car. The trouble is, that although I love them both, the two aren’t always that lovely together. I admit that in certain areas of my life I can be a bit of a neat freak – the car is one of those areas. So for quite a while I’d be looking for ways to keep my car clean and tidy yet have my dog with me too. If you’ve also been looking for fail-safe ways to dog proof your car, read on!

My dog keeps me grounded. He’s the one member of my family who always seems pleased to see me when I get home from work. He’s the one that brings my blood pressure back to normal levels during stressful times. He’s very often the one who makes me laugh. So naturally I like him to come with me whenever possible. My car gives me joy in a very different way. It’s my Goldilocks car – not too big, not too small, but just right. It has transported me to some wonderful places with memories that I treasure. Fortunately I’ve found some simple additions to the car, that keep it as clean and pristine as it can possibly be with a dog on board who tends to shed and drool. Importantly, they help to give my pawsome friend a comfortable ride too.

A dog guard designed for the vehicle you drive

The first essential to dog proof your car in my book is unquestionably a Travall Guard.  With this dog guard in position there’s no chance of my dog climbing over the seats in the car, leaving hair, mud and wet paw prints on the upholstery.  My dog is securely positioned at the rear of the vehicle – so he is comfortable and so are my other passengers.

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Dog securely positioned in the car with the perfect-fit dog guard from Travall.

A cargo mat that fits the contours of your boot

The second must-have item is a Travall CargoMat.  With my dog at the rear of the vehicle, I don’t particularly want to be vacuuming the boot after every trip.  Adding the rubber boot liner has made life simple. I can just wipe down the boot mat or shake it out so the boot’s interior stays pristine.  It’s also far more comfortable for my dog – when this textured cargo mat is in place he doesn’t seem to slide around as much when I turn a corner.

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Boot interior given protection from mud and dog fur with the Travall CargoMat.

A rear upper bumper protector

To keep the paintwork on my car looking good with an excited dog leaping into the boot I’ve added a Travall Protector.  This tough, plastic bumper protector has proven fantastic at protecting the upper bumper from scratches and scrapes from my dog’s nails and has even covered up some dents made by me dropping a heavy shopping bag on it in my zeal to get the cans of baked beans home. It’s also super easy to install – find out more in this 5-step guide here

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Rear upper bumper paintwork protected from dog claws with the Travall Protector.

So these are the 3 easy ways I’ve found to create a happy balance between my two loves. If you would like to dog proof your car to make life with a dog more comfortable for him and easier for you, the answer is simple. Just visit the Travall website and discover the range of vehicle-specific products available for the car you drive.