The simple solution to in-car hazards

Who’s guilty of having a messy car?  I know I am!  There are often toys, bags and other bits and pieces that I’ve, until recently, been quite happy to drive along with.  Just like many of us, I was unaware of the hazards that these seemingly innocuous items pose to me, the driver, and to the other passengers in my car.  I recently read some startling statistics from a study conducted in America of children involved in crashes. The researchers found that of 12,513 children that were injured, over 3,000 were injured by loose objects in the car, other passengers or both.1

Fortunately, there is something simple that we car owners can do to ensure that these common everyday items don’t become problematic when we need to brake suddenly, as shown in the following short video:

Why not check the Travall website to see what vehicle-specific accessories we have available for your car?  Our customer services team are happy to help you with any questions you may have and are available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am – 5:30pm, Friday 8:30am – 3pm.


1. Adlam, E. Hidden Dangers in your Car: When everyday objects turn deadly. Readers Digest. (2003),550-557.