Sun protection for dogs: 5 steps you can take to shield your dog

In recent years, we have become a lot more aware of the harmful effects of the sun.  Advertising campaigns encouraging people to wear sun protection and stay out of the sun when there are high UV levels have been effective and more and more people now try to avoid premature skin ageing and skin cancer.  Did you realise that not only are you at risk when exposed to UV light, but your dog can also be affected. We give 5 tips for sun protection for dogs to minimise the risk of skin cancer in your dog.

Go indoors

Here at The Savvy Travaller we are typically excited to get outdoors. But there are specific times of day when taking cover from the sun is advisable. During the hours of 10am to 4pm the rays are at their strongest, so this may be a good time to take the fun indoors or to a shaded area.

Cover up

There are all sorts of clothes on the market for dogs these days.   You may be familiar with coats for dogs to provide warmth and protection against inclement weather, but did you know you can also get dog clothes to protect against UV rays too?  If your dog has short hair or exposed areas of skin, this could be a great option for sun protection.

Add sunscreen

Don’t go to your nearest pharmacist for this one.  Sunscreen that is specifically made for dogs should be used as some of the other variants for humans would be toxic for dogs and could prove disastrous should your dog start to lick lotion-covered areas.  Ask your vet for dog-appropriate sunscreen to block both UV-A and UV-B rays and then this can be applied to vulnerable areas such as the nose, ears and tummy. Depending on your dog’s breed (and amount of fur) you may need to apply to other areas too.

Avoid shaving

When it’s hot there is the temptation to cut your dog’s coat short to keep him cooler.  Try to keep your dog’s coat a bit longer to give adequate sun protection for dogs and for the natural cooling properties of the coat which help keep the heat at bay. A clean and fluffy longer coat provides a better defence against heat and the sun than a short crop.

Put on the shades

Some dogs benefit from having K9 appropriate sunglasses to protect their eyes from UV light.  Unlike our featured image on this blog post, goggle-style glasses designed for dogs would be the way to go for this. Consult your veterinarian for sun protection for dogs to address the vulnerable eye area.

If your dog loves nothing better than lying in a comfortable spot in the sun, some of these tips could be helpful to protect him against the harmful effects of those UV rays.

Information given in this article is not a substitute for advice from a qualified medical professional.  Please consult a vet for advice specific to your dog.