Travall’s Top 40 Summer Picnic Ideas and Tips

An estimated 94 million picnics are enjoyed by couples, friends, and families across the country each year. There’s just something about packing up a blanket along with some snacks and drinks in a wicker basket and heading out for a good old fashioned picnic. Who doesn’t love it?

With National Picnic Week next week, what better time to head outdoors to your local park and have a picnic. If you’re unsure about what to take with you then fear not. Travall has you covered. Here are Travall’s top 40 Summer picnic ideas and tips…


Sandwiches are a staple in all good picnics but what sandwiches do you take? It’s important to take a selection of sandwiches that will appeal to everyone in your group. Here are a few options:

  • Cheese and pickle
  • Tuna mayonnaise
  • Bacon, lettuce and tomato
  • Ham salad
  • Chicken salad
  • Roasted red pepper and arugula
  • Cucumber cream cheese

Before making up any sandwiches or packing any items for your picnic don’t forget to ensure you’ve taken everyone’s dietary requirements and any allergies into account.

Savoury Snacks

No picnic is complete without a selection of savoury snacks. Here are some of Travall’s favourites:

  • Scotch eggs
  • Risotto balls
  • Sushi
  • Vegetable/salad sticks like cucumber and carrots
  • Cheese twists
  • Antipasto skewers
  • Focaccia

Sweet Snacks

To complement your sandwiches and savoury snacks a little bit of sweet is needed. Travall’s preferred sweets include:

  • Bite-sized fruit including strawberries, cherries, raspberries, grapes and sliced apples or pears
  • Plain yoghurt with added honey and granola
  • Home-made brownies
  • Lemon meringue
  • Cupcakes


After indulging in your picnic food you’re going to want to quench your thirst with a refreshing drink. Here are a few ideas:

  • Water
  • Home-made lemonade
  • Home-made strawberry and banana smoothie
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice
  • Melon slushies
  • Iced tea
  • A flask of tea or coffee

Whichever drinks you take with you, always take water too, especially if you plan on going with Fido!


A picnic simply isn’t complete without a great location. Whether it be in a local park, by the beach or something else, choosing the right location is a must. Travall’s favourite picnic locations include:

  • The local park
  • By a lakeside
  • On the beach
  • Near a local canal
  • In the countryside
  • The gardens of a big stately home
  • Historic landmarks like castle grounds

A Few Top Tips

In addition to our Summer picnic ideas, we’ve put together a few top tips for you to help ensure a fantastic picnic enjoyed by all. Here they are:

  • Take plenty of sun lotion
  • Check the weather first
  • Take plastic plates and cutlery over the ones from your kitchen
  • Take ice cubes in a Thermos flask to cool your drinks
  • Wet wipes and bin bags are a must to keep yourselves and the surrounding area tidy
  • Pack a blanket and cushions
  • Equip your car with Travall’s vehicle-specific accessories to make sure you enjoy the journey to and from your picnic location.

We hope you found our top Summer picnic ideas and tips useful and hope that those of you who do pack up their baskets and get outdoors have a fantastic time! Why not share your photos with us or let us know your favourite picnic destination?