Staycation preparation: 5 holiday essentials we’re buying today

Here at Travall HQ we’re starting to get pretty excited. You’ll already know that we’re a group of people that love getting active in the outdoors. The prospect of lockdown restrictions being relaxed further is filling us with optimism that we can do a lot more of the activities that we really love. Many of our team members are seriously planning ahead to the summer and the staycation adventures. So, we asked them what are the holiday essentials that are on their must-buy lists.  Here’s what they came back with:


We have many fans of wild swimming on the team. Quite a few of our team members have not been able to indulge in this hobby so much of late, but have indulged in plenty of lockdown treats (yes, we are talking banana bread). As a result, the all-important wetsuits are a lot more of a snug fit than they should be for comfort.  So, top of the list for quite a few team members is an appropriately sized wetsuit, so that they can get back to the lake swimming or surfing that they’ve been longing to do. Holiday essentials for sure in our more temperate climate.


One of our favourite things to do on holiday is to picnic.  This year, some of our team are upgrading their picnic baskets, to more substantial coolers. No more slightly warm drinks and food at the beach, but refreshing chilled beverages and sandwich meats kept deli fresh.


The weather in the UK is well, hit and miss.  But whether there’s a heatwave or a light drizzle, it’s important to protect your skin from the sun when you’re outdoors.  There are some great sunscreen formulations that you can apply in the morning that will last the whole day. No distractions from your cycle ride or your day’s hiking.

Rain gear

We’ve waited a long time to be able to visit some parts of the country again.  So, none of the Travall team are going to let a little (or a lot of) rain get in the way of a good time.  That’s why for many, an upgrade in their rain gear is on their list – after all, there’s no such thing as bad weather when you’ve got the right equipment.

Boot organiser

Last, but by no means least, we want to be able to haul everything with us securely.  This means investing in a great boot organisation system such as the Travall Guard and Divider combination.  Fido is kept in position on one side, while all the rest of the gear sits neatly on the other side of the boot.  Holiday essentials, happy journeys, happy times ahead!