Selecting the perfect dog breed for your family: size matters

Thinking of getting a puppy? There are so many factors to consider when choosing which dog breed to have for your family pet. One factor that sometimes gets overlooked is one that is possibly the most important – the size of the dog. Sure, that St Bernard puppy is cuter than the dickens, but he won’t stay little for long, so size really does matter.  Would a large dog work for your family or would a smaller dog be preferable? Here are some questions that are worth asking yourself to ensure that you get the right fit for you and your lifestyle.

Can my home accommodate this breed?

If you live in a small, one-bedroom apartment with no outside space, the size of the dog matters. It’s possible that a Great Dane may not be the right breed for you at that point in your life. There are plenty of smaller dog breeds that would be perfect for that size accommodation, so it’s worth taking a look at the smaller dog breeds. For those living in a larger property with a fenced garden there are a lot more breed options, including mid-size and large breeds, that could be considered. 

Can I cope physically?

If you’re a very petite, small-framed person or you have physical challenges, then once again size matters. Maybe a very large Alsatian is not the best option for you.  It’s not just the daily walking that could be a challenge, but situations where the dog is unwell or injured can be a lot harder to cope with.  If you have physical challenges, there are mid-size dog breeds that could be the perfect assistance companions.

Can I afford a larger breed?

This isn’t related to the initial outlay of purchasing the dog, as many small breeds can be equally expensive. However, when you have a bigger dog, everything else costs more – from the large dog bed, the large size accessories and grooming costs to the extra food you’ll need to buy.  

How will I travel with my dog?

Being able to drive your dog to vet appointments or to the park is essential. Ensuring that your dog has a comfortable space to ride in the vehicle where he is securely positioned is a must. If your preference is for a larger breed of dog, you may find that installing a vehicle-specific dog guard, boot divider and tailgate in an SUV is the best way to go – comfort for your passengers on a journey and comfort for your dog too.

size matters
Travall Guard and Divider for secure dog transportation.