Red, black or yellow: what the colour of your car says about you

For many of us, our cars are not just a way to get from A to B, but are also an extension of our personalities.  According to Motoring Research,¹ we Brits spend an average of 9 hours a week driving, so it really does help if we feel comfortable with the car we are driving.  In the car buying process you probably agonised over the right make and model for you and your lifestyle needs. But how much time did you take when choosing the colour of your car? Believe it or not, the colour of your car says a lot more about you than you might have previously realised.  

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders² has a list showing what was most popular in 2018.  For the first time in several years, grey comes out strongly on top, followed by black, white and blue. Dwindling in popularity are some of the brighter colours such as pink and mauve.  

So what does the colour of your car say about your personality? Colour psychologist Angela Wright spoke to BBC’s Newsbeat³ and revealed the following insights:

Grey – A cautious option and can indicate austerity.

Black – A colour for people to hide behind when they don’t want to stand out.

White – This is also seen as a safe and neutral option

Blue – A colour that is synonymous with having a calming effect. Someone selecting a blue car may be seeking a logical and soothing effect.

Red – When you really want to stand out and make a statement, this is the colour of choice. Some would say it is a symbol of power and strength.

Yellow – Are you one of the optimists in this world?  You might be if you’ve selected yellow as your car colour of choice. It’s often chosen by people who have a sunny disposition and is one of the more easily visible of the car colours so considered to be far safer.

And then there’s what you choose for your car’s interior… There are many options available to you. Fortunately, both the Travall Guard and Divider are available in a neutral grey colour.  The premium finish on the dog guard and boot organiser provides a perfect neutral, that will complement any car colour scheme that you choose, but looks particularly great if you have the most popular car colour…grey!

