New to dog ownership? Part 2, 7 dog gear essentials for first timers

Once you’ve found the perfect dog breed for your lifestyle, you’ll need to get the essential dog gear too.  The following checklist gives the essentials that you absolutely should have to get life with your four-legged friend off on the right track:

Crate/dog bed – whether you decide to crate train your dog or not, your pooch is going to need his own special place.  A crate and/or a cosy dog bed are must-have essentials.

Lead, collar and harness – there are countless choices for all three of these items. Many people prefer to start out with a standard type of lead for training purposes rather than a retractable version. If your new pet is a puppy, ensure that you have a size-appropriate collar and harness, which will need to be replaced as he grows.  

Waste collection bags – an absolute necessity for your daily walks.  Many now come with convenient dispensers that you attach to the lead so you’ve always got them with you when you take the dog out.

Dog bowls – Ensuring there is always water available within easy reach of your dog is essential.  Add another dog bowl for food. Some people find bowls with a no-slip rubber bottom are easier for the dog to deal with.

Grooming equipment – basic grooming supplies (brush, nail clippers, toothbrush) are needed to keep your dog’s coat free of matts and tangles and to keep his teeth free of decay.

Vehicle-specific dog guard for your car – how you transport your dog in your car needs serious consideration.  In the UK, your car insurance can be invalid if your dog is loose in the car.  A Travall Guard keeps your dog securely positioned at the rear of the vehicle and its vehicle-specific fit ensures there are no annoying rattles and that it stays securely in position.

2 dogs in the back of a car with a Travall Guard

Toys – this may not seem like a necessity, but trust us, you’ll be glad of these.  If you have an intelligent dog, you need to be able to keep his mind busy. Using items such as puzzle toys helps distract him from destructive behaviours.

With just these few items, you’ll be on the right track in your new dog care role. Wishing you many adventures with the new canine addition to your family!