Influencers give their reviews of Travall car accessories

It’s always helpful to get an impartial opinion on something you are interested in purchasing. Whether it’s a meal at a restaurant or a pair of jeans, it can be very helpful to know what others thought before getting your own wallet out. The same applies when you’re looking to purchase car accessories. Did you know that reviews of Travall car accessories have been done regularly over the years? There have been reviews from automotive journalists, dog care experts, outdoor enthusiasts and more. Travall knows that when they get reviews from these experts they’re going to get an honest opinion on their car accessories. Travall recently had the privilege of working with Instagram influencers @ourgirllola_ (who enjoys a loyal following thanks to her gorgeous pup Lola) and @poochnpineapple (known for her stunning photography specialising in dogs) and they were asked exactly what they thought of the Travall products they’d tested. Here’s what they had to say:

How easy was it to install the Travall products?

@ourgirllola_ : So, so easy! I installed all three pieces by myself while 8 months pregnant! It took me about half an hour to do and was really straight forward.

@poochnpineapple :  It was really easy! Firstly the instructions are very detailed and all pictorial, so you literally get shown what to do. Then the products themselves don’t require any big tools to install, it’s simply just screwing them together into place. And finally the Travall products are very light and easy to move around.

Image courtesy @poochnpineapple

How do you rate the quality of the materials used in the products and their durability?

@ourgirllola_ : 10/10. Since installing the products in Sept 2021, we’ve had no problems at all. Nothing has been marked or even moved and we have a 40kg dog and pushchair in there most of the time!

@poochnpineapple : The quality is excellent – the products are light, yet robust. I have a 35kg rottie cross, and a very chewy puppy. The products have easily contained my big dog and withstood any chewing from my puppy (who currently loves chewing!). They both get pretty muddy on walks, and it’s been really easy to clean the Travall products.

What features of the products have you appreciated the most?

@ourgirllola_ : The divider! As I said before, we often have a pushchair and other baby items in the boot and being able to separate those things from our dog has been a lifesaver. My dog is safe and has a large amount of space – but she’s not able to get other things muddy / slobbery whilst travelling. She’s also kept safe from any moving items which was very important to me!

Image courtesy @ourgirllola_

@poochnpineapple : It’s really clear that the designers have really thought about the needs and experience of the dog – there are no sharp edges, everything has been smoothed out, plus any screws that have been used to install the products have rubber caps on the end. I’m completely confident that my excitable and bouncy puppy will be securely contained in the boot of my car, without her finding anything to chew on that she shouldn’t.

You have a dog/dogs, but do you find the products beneficial for other aspects of your life? If so, please can you give more details?

@ourgirllola_ : Oh definitely! We often travel with a very full boot and the set up we have means we can organise what we’re taking and what we need easy access to. I also find that our belongings move around the boot a LOT less which makes unpacking the car the other end much easier.

@poochnpineapple : I don’t always go out with the dogs, but I do very often have muddy boots and waterproofs in the car for work. So it’s been great to have a separate compartment for my muddy boots and waterproofs that means that they don’t get mixed up with any shopping bags.

Which of the three products would you no longer want to be without?

@ourgirllola_ : It’s tricky to pick just one as all three work so well together. The gate prevents my dog jumping out the boot before it’s safe for her; the guard stops any mud and slobber going onto the back seats AND stops any items travelling forward which keeps my son safe in his car seat; the divider allows us to make full use of the boot space and separate our dog from all other items. It’s a hard choice but I would have to say the divider!

@poochnpineapple : This is a really hard question because they are all great! I really like the cargo mat because my last car got worn very quickly with muddy dogs and boots getting in and out all the time. The mat is a great way to protect the carpet in the boot. The divider has been essential for me to be able to take both dogs out at the same time – my older dog George is very big and arthritic. He doesn’t move around well, while Annie the puppy is a ball of energy. The divider has been a brilliant way of ensuring that they are both safe in the boot, and George isn’t going to fall on to Annie in transit, and Annie isn’t going to annoy George by climbing all over him. Finally the tailgates are what attracted me to the Travall product range – I am very often out at country dog shows and I’m really looking forward to having both dogs secure in the boot with the door open while I enjoy a picnic by the car!