I Love My Dog! Does He Love Me? – 8 Ways You Can Tell

For those who don’t know, today is National Love Your Pet Day. A day to set aside a bit of extra time to pamper your pets and show them you love them. We know how we show our love for our dogs – making sure they have regular exercise, providing them with fun toys, ensuring they eat healthy food, spending time with them to give them plenty of fuss and attention. It’s easy to spot a well-loved dog, but how can you tell if your tail-wagging friend loves you back?

1) Making eye contact

According to dog expert and co-author of The Genius of Dogs, Brian Hare, when your dog looks you in the eye, he is “hugging you with his eyes.” Long, sustained eye contact is reserved for those you love and trust the most. Your dog is no different. Dogs will only maintain eye contact for a period of time if they love you and feel comfortable around you. This eye contact also helps to create a stronger connection and bond with your canine by releasing oxytocin. The same hormone the brain releases to help new mothers bond with their babies.

2) Licking your face

Does your dog jump on you and lick your face frantically when he sees you? This is usually a sure sign of Fido’s affection. However, there are some instances this happens when you might just have a little bit of leftover dinner on your face!

3) He’s a laundry thief

Lookout there’s a laundry thief about! Most dogs seem to love stealing laundry, usually your socks, shoes or underwear. While they are natural scavengers, the number one reason for dogs doing this is your scent. The items they steal have your scent on them which helps provide comfort to them when you aren’t around.

4) Snuggles

There’s nothing more satisfying than your pooch snuggling right up to you. Some dogs will also put their paws over you as if to say you aren’t going anywhere! Dogs do this when they feel comforted and relaxed by your presence. Snuggles are another of the many ways that you can tell your dog loves you.

5) Follows You

“Don’t leave me. Take me with you. Okay I’m just going to come anyway”. Does that sound like your dog? Do they follow you wherever you go around the house – to the kitchen, your bedroom, to the loo? For some owners, their dog is like a shadow, while this is often because of their close bond with you, a dog can sometimes act this way because of separation anxiety or other behavioural health issues. If your dog is following you around excessively or starts to follow you when he hasn’t done so before then consult your veterinarian for advice.

6) Looking Out The Window For You

Do you get home from work only to find Fido staring out of the window as if he’s waiting for you to arrive? He probably is! If you’re out of the house and away from your canine friend for long periods of time then he is likely going to miss you and feel lonely. In many cases, your dog will get used to your routine and will be eagerly awaiting your return home.

7) He yawns when you yawn

Everyone knows yawning is contagious. Even seeing someone yawn on TV makes me yawn! You might even be yawning right now reading this. A similar sensation occurs with dogs. When a dog yawns after you yawn it is likely that they share a strong bond with you. Give it a try. Yawn in front of your dog and see what they do!

8) Tail-wagging

A dog wagging its tail can mean many different things and not always positive. However, if your dog wags his tail when he sees you and it is accompanied by other signals such as jumping up or licking you then he is probably letting you know that he is very happy to see you.

So that’s it, 8 ways you can tell if your dog loves you. Why not celebrate National Pet Day in true style by spoiling your dog with Travall’s range of vehicle-specific accessories. Helping you and Fido enjoy the journey in comfort and in style. Shop the full Travall range at https://www.travall.co.uk/