Grow your own: what to plant in your garden in April

Spring is here! With longer, lighter days and slightly warmer temperatures, many of us are ready to spend more time outdoors and gardening can be just what we’ve needed. For those fortunate to have an area to plant vegetables, it is an ideal opportunity to grow your own vegetables, herbs and fruit. Gardening has many health benefits including stress relief, mood enhancement and blood pressure reduction. Growing your own vegetables can also encourage healthier eating habits, which is great for improving your diet and vitamin intake. 

Planting suggestions for April

The weather in April can be mixed, but there are plenty of plants and seeds that can be sown outside straight away. Leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, peas, broad beans, sweet peppers, carrots, spinach, leeks, onions and parsnips can all be sown outside without the need for a greenhouse. If you’d like to add some fruit to your garden, raspberry canes and strawberry plants can also be planted outside in April.

Travall Guard, Divider and CargoMat for easy plant transportation

Grow your own without a garden

If you don’t have a garden, but you do have an outside space that gets good light, you can grow plants in containers or window boxes.  Many different vegetables can be grown this way, but there is more success for those with fairly shallow roots. Good options include spinach, radishes, green onions, garlic and herbs.