Going greener: how to care for your dog in a sustainable way

We’re all looking at going greener in many areas of our lives. Reducing our impact on the environment by making just a few changes to our lifestyles is relatively easily achieved. If you’re going greener and want to extend that same approach to your dog care then we’ve got 3 easy ways to care for your dog more sustainably.

Make mindful dog care purchases

  • Think consciously about all the purchases of dog-related products that you make and seek out brands that offer product longevity and with minimal environmental impact. 
  • When purchasing car accessories for transporting a dog securely.  Is that cheap, one-size fits all dog guard that’s manufactured overseas with questionable chemicals and will likely need replacing in a couple of months what you want to have in your vehicle? Instead, think about purchasing items that are manufactured with sustainability in mind.  Travall’s dog guards and boot dividers are manufactured for durability. They’re also coated with Rilsan® for a scratch-free finish that is plant based and environmentally sound.
  • Consider buying your dog food in bulk to reduce packaging waste and to reduce fuel costs.

Keep your community clean

  • How many times do you  go on a walk with your dog in your local area and see rubbish lying around? Why not turn your daily dog walk into a litter picking session while you walk your dog at the same time. A few minutes litter picking a day could dramatically reduce visible plastic waste, make your hometown more pleasant to live in, and offer a great way to give back to your community too.

Exercise your dog with the environment in mind

  • If you go for walks in the countryside be aware of other animals. Keep dogs on the lead when walking near wildlife or through fields with grazing herds, to ensure habitats remain undisturbed and that the animals are not stressed by the actions of the dog.
  • Dispose of dog waste responsibly, using biodegradable waste collection bags.