Fun facts about Mitsubishi: part 5, dog guard for Mitsubishi and more

Mitsubishi is one of the best known car manufacturers in the world, whose reputation in rallying is unsurpassed. Mitsubishi’s passenger vehicles have won many accolades too and the Mitsubishi Outlander was on the top ten list for the best vehicles for pet owners.  Travelling comfortably with dogs sits at the heart of Travall’s business and we offer models of dog guard for Mitsubishi.  Consequently we were curious to find out even more about Mitsubishi and learn fun manufacturer facts and get further insights into this remarkable company.

Did you know?

Jackie Chan is a Mitsubishi fan of more than 30 years. He partners with the company so that only Mitsubishi vehicles feature in his films. Chan even has his own special edition models.

The three-diamond logo was designed 100 years before the company was founded. Mitsu means three and hishi (pronounced bishi mid sentence) means water chestnut or to the Japanese can mean rhombus.

Mitsubishi’s headquarters are in Minato, Japan.  The company began in 1970 as Mitsubishi Motors, a subsidiary of MHI, which started in 1917 as the Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Company. Mitsubishi comprises many smaller companies, which can trace their start back to the 1870s. The automotive side of Mitsubishi is just a part of the organisation, which is involved in telecommunications, shipbuilding, chemicals, and heavy industry to name just a few.

Mitsubishi cars sell in over 160 countries worldwide.

After World War II Japanese conglomerates had to break up and the company could not use the Mitsubishi name.  Eventually in the 1960s the forbidden name re-emerged and coincidentally, this was also the time when mass production of passenger cars began.

In 2000 Mitsubishi partnered with Daimler Chrysler.

Travel offers a dog guard for Mitsubishi and vehicle-specific accessories for a wide range of Mitsubishi vehiclesThe product range includes our world-renowned Travall Guard and Divider, Travall Sillguards, Travall Mats and Travall Liner, plus stainless steel and plastic versions of the Travall Protector.

The fourth president of the Mitsubishi Corporation, Koyata Iwasaki, was a proponent of three principles: corporate social responsibility; integrity and fairness; and global understanding through business.

Mitsubishi is part of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance.

Mitsubishi no longer has vehicle manufacturing facilities in Europe or North America.  Its manufacturing takes place in Japan, Thailand and the Philippines.