Freshers’ week: does your university checklist make the grade?

For me, Autumn always represents new beginnings.  Going back to school or university to begin another academic year was always something that I enjoyed.  A chance to start afresh for another year. Plus the prospect of new adventures, meeting different people, and interesting times ahead.  Freshers’ week and starting the first year at university is exciting but can also be a daunting prospect for new students. For many students it is the first time to leave home for a long period. Having familiar possessions that they have brought from home can make the transition easier. Familiarity helps to make Freshers feel more comfortable and at home in their new location.  

When you start at university there is a lot of stuff that you need to take with you.  Clothing, kitchen supplies, stationery, sports gear…the list continues.  Here is a checklist put together by Unibaggage to use as a guide for what to bring with you to kick off Freshers’ week and your university education.  If you look at the whole list you’ll appreciate that there is a lot to take. How do you cram these securely into the car to take that drive into this new chapter in your son or daughter’s life?

A Freshers’ week checklist essential

Fortunately, there is a simple way to maximise every square centimetre of boot space in the car you drive. Install a Travall Guard.  If you’ve got a lot to transport in the boot of your car, chances are you’re not going to be able to leave the parcel shelf or tonneau cover in place.  This leaves the passengers in the main body of the car exposed to the hazards of sliding cargo. If you suddenly need to brake hard the hazard can be compounded by items flying through the car. Placing a vehicle-specific guard between the rear seats and the boot of the car can prevent this.  It ensures that even if you have to cram the boot to the roof, the items stay there helping to shield the occupants of the vehicle from the hazards of loose luggage.

Installing the guard is easy and achievable in approximately 15 minutes.  You can leave the guard in place permanently or you can remove it in a couple of minutes for use at another time. Naturally, the guard is useful for taking your child’s belongings to university but there are many other situations when you have to fill the boot with luggage or sporting equipment where the guard comes in handy.  The vehicle-specific design ensures a perfect fit in the car you drive.  There’ll be no annoying rattles no matter where you’re going either.

Where can I get a Travall Guard?

Finding the correct model of Travall Guard for the car you drive is also easy.  Simply use the vehicle selector on the Travall website. The relevant products will be shown depending on the make, model and year of your vehicle, among other details.  If you have questions about the Travall Guard, the FAQ section of our website may have the answers you need. If not, please contact us at for further details.

The journey to start Freshers’ week may be your first drive to university, but will be the first of many. This is especially likely if the university uses its halls of residence for conferences during the holidays between terms. A Travall Guard could be your new favourite car accessory and may soon make it to the top of that university checklist!