Festival Survival Guide: 5 Tips to Get The Best Out Of Your Experience

It’s no secret that a fair amount of the UK population enjoys a good old festival. Some of the biggest festivals like Download, Glastonbury, and Wireless attract hundreds of thousands of spectators each year. With huge amounts of people in one place and a lot of travelling needed to get there, it is important to prepare appropriately. This is where our festival survival guide comes in! We have put together some top tips to help you get the most out of your festival experience.

1) Think Carefully About Your Tent Size

Size matters for many things in life and tents are no exception. Don’t just consider the number of people that are going to be staying in the tent. For example, if you’re going to a festival and you’ll be staying in a tent with one friend you may think that a 2-person tent will suffice, but it won’t. You need to ensure you cater for everything else that you’re taking with you, including luggage, clothes, and food. It is far better to have more space than you need than being too crowded.

2) Before You Leave, Make A Checklist

Clothes, check. Food, check. Water, check. Checklists are an important part of life no matter what you’re doing or where you’re going and that’s why they made it into our festival survival guide. We recommend that before you pack and leave for your festival, take a moment to sit down and put a list together of all your essentials. Then tick them off as you’re packing. This way you’re far less likely to forget something!

3) Don’t Just Pack Summer Clothes

One of the biggest mistakes people make when attending festivals is that they just pack clothes based on the weather forecast. This is a huge mistake! How many times have you watched the weather on TV or read on the internet that it’s going to be a glorious day and it ends up being a washout? I know I can count far too many! The British weather is predictably unpredictable. To compensate, ensure you pack waterproof clothing, adequate footwear and something to keep you warm if things take a turn for the chillier.

4) If You’re Driving, Consider Your Vehicle

If you have been handpicked by your friends as the lucky one who gets to drive to the festival then don’t just ignore your vehicle. Think about the scuff marks, scratches and wear and tear that could be caused by just this one trip! If there are going to be a lot of passengers getting in and out then your door sills are likely to get marked up. Also, many festivals end up being mud baths so dirt could also be cause for concern. However, this is where Travall has got you covered! Travall offers a range of high quality, vehicle-specific products that would all be beneficial to anyone travelling with a group of friends.

These Travall products are vehicle must-haves for any festival:

  • Travall SillGuards: Can be installed quickly and easily in 20 minutes and will help to prevent scratches and marks on your car door sills.
  • Travall Mats: Durable, lightweight and flexible. They are ideal for keeping the interior of your car in great condition! The clever design of the lipped edge ensures mud or spilled drinks stay on the rubber mat and away from the carpet.
  • Travall Protectors: When attending a festival you’re going to be loading and unloading your car quite often. These protectors will help you avoid the scuffs and scratches that can result from this.
  • Travall Guard: If you’re loading your boot with camping gear for you and the rest of your group, you’re going to need a big boot capacity.  Installing a vehicle-specific guard allows you to get the most out of your boot space, so you can cram the boot to the roof yet protect your passengers from the cargo at the same time.

5) Staying Safe

Last but certainly not least in our festival survival guide is staying safe. As enjoyable as festivals are, there is always the potential for theft or undesirable behaviour just as there might be in any activity that attracts crowds or people. Here are a few pointers to help you stay safe during your festival experience:

  • Don’t walk around alone. Always take a friend with you.
  • Don’t pack unnecessary valuables. Only take the essentials and don’t leave these in your tent.
  • Stay alert at all times.
  • Apply plenty of high-factor sun lotion even it’s a bit cloudy and wear weather-appropriate clothing.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the event.
  • Just say “no” to any substances being passed around.
  • Keep a close eye on children at family-friendly festivals so they don’t get lost in the crowd.
  • Drive safe. Don’t get distracted when behind the wheel. Find out how you can avoid this here.

If you’re attending any festivals this year just remember to fully prepare in advance, stay safe, and most of all, enjoy the whole experience including the journey there and back home.