Driving with dogs? Travall’s low-cost solution to avoiding a £5,000 fine

We’ve all seen the movie images of glamorous actors driving with dogs. A large, majestic dog riding proudly in the back of a pickup truck. A fluffy lap dog curled up under the arm of the leading lady as she drives around town.  There are plenty of these scenes to be found in films. While these are romantic portrayals of life with dogs, it becomes easy to forget that driving with dogs that are loose in the car is incredibly dangerous.  Importantly, many drivers in the UK don’t realise that there are on-the-spot fines for driving with an unrestrained dog. Neither do they realise that because of this, their car insurance may become invalid. Rule 57 of the highway code states the following:

“When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you
while you are driving or injure you, or themselves if you have to stop quickly.”

Fortunately, Travall has an easy solution that means your dog has a secure position in the car and you avoid the potential fine (up to £5,000 and 9 points on your licence) – the Travall Guard. The Travall Guard is quite simply a vehicle-specific dog guard that is designed to perfectly fit the car you drive. Its precision fit ensures that there is no rattling or squeaking and the guard sits firmly in position even if your dog gives it a nudge.  Your dog sits securely at the rear of the vehicle, allowing you to get on with the important job of driving.

The price of the Travall Guard varies depending on the make, model and year of your particular car.  It comes in at a higher level than many universal guards, but is much more affordable that those available at your car dealership. However, its price is a fraction of the expense of fines, insurance issues and other financial expenses that arise for driving with dogs loose in the car.  The Travall Guard is steel with a special scratch-resistant coating that is not only durable but looks stylish too. It’s easy to install at home in around 15 minutes and requires no drilling or modifications to your car whatsoever.  When you’re not transporting a dog, it’s removable in minutes for use at another time. Although many people prefer to keep it in place permanently as a luggage barrier to give extra protection for occupants of the vehicle in case of a sudden stop.

Baby and Travall Guard and dog, driving with dogs

Why not move away from the romantic but unsafe stereotypes and re-write the movie scripts of driving with dogs? Let’s see a dog comfortably positioned in the car with a Travall Guard firmly in position. Let’s see images of drivers subjected to fewer distractions. Importantly, let’s see more of that on Britain’s roads. Click the link to see what vehicle-specific products are available on Travall’s website for the car you drive.