Dog travel accessories to enjoy those autumn adventures

There is always a lot of debate about the best time of year to travel with a dog.  Some people favour the spring and summer as there is the possibility of good weather and longer lighter days.  But for others, autumn affords the perfect opportunity to get out and get active with your dog. Early autumn in the UK is one of my favourite times of the year, as it can be utterly glorious!  The weather is often good – not heatwave conditions that we’ve seen over the summer months, but more pleasant temperatures so you’ll want to go out and walk and your dog will too. The evenings are still light before the clocks go back. The scenery with the leaves changing colour is stunningly gorgeous.  So you want to make the most of the combination of good weather and beautiful scenery whenever possible.  For some, the autumn is the best time to travel, so we thought we’d highlight some dog travel accessories that can make those autumn journeys even more enjoyable.

The weather in the UK is not as extreme during the autumn or early winter period as it can be in other countries. We do tend to get rain, but transporting your puppy during this type of inclement weather has never been easier thanks to Travall’s vehicle-specific dog travel accessories.  The Travall Guard keeps your dog securely positioned at the rear of the vehicle. This means you don’t have the distraction of a restless dog in the car and you can concentrate on driving in what can be more slippery conditions. The result is greater on-board security for you and all your passengers.

Travall Guard in car road safety awareness

Another accessory that comes into its own during wetter and muddier conditions is Travall’s vehicle-specific boot mat. The Travall Liner ensures that no matter how much rain or mud your dog is exposed to on autumn walks, the interior of your car boot is protected on the journey home. The lipped design of the boot mat ensures that rain and mud dripping off your dog’s fur stays on the mat. The result is your car boot interior stays clean and dry.

Travall Liner for Mercedes-Benz GLC

Both products are available online at Use the vehicle selector on the website to find the right model for the car you drive.

Have you had a travel adventure with your dog during the autumn? If so, we’d love to hear whether the timing was good for you and your family. Or why not enter our #AdventureThisAutumn photo competition for a chance to win a 2-night stay for 4 people plus dogs at Mineshop Cottages on the North Cornwall coast?  Full details here.    We can’t wait to hear from you!