Dog care when self isolating: organisations that can help

The vast majority of us are only too delighted to get out for our one session of exercise a day during this COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period.  It’s a great opportunity to walk the dog and get some physical activity and mental stimulation too.  There are many people who are unable to do this because they are self isolating.  If you find yourself in that situation and you can’t easily arrange for a family member or a friend close by to assist with dog care, there are organisations and charities out there that are available and willing to help.

Underdog Unity has been set up to redirect the resources of Underdog International.  It’s a way of assisting  UK residents to have their dogs walked if they are unable to do so themselves.  A group of vetted volunteers is able to offer support in terms of dog walking and dog care. Their services can be accessed here

The Cinnamon Trust is another organisation that offers similar services using vetted volunteers for dog walking and dog care needs. They also offer short term fostering if that is a requirement.  

In many areas around the country local communities have set up their own volunteer groups.  Check the Facebook groups in your local area for details or reach out to your local community centre for support. Not just for dog walking, services offered include grocery shopping and prescription collection too.

Veterinary practices have been posting advice for customers on their websites.  Many of these offer resources or contact information for those requiring further assistance with their dogs in the local area. 

If you are self isolating and are anxious that your dog is not getting the care needed, why not reach out to these organisations? There are plenty of willing and able volunteers who would be happy to help. Stay safe, stay well!