Do you understand your dog? 7 tips on reading a dog’s body language

Do you often wish that your dog could talk to you?  I know there are days when I’d find it really helpful. Yet if you know what to look for, your dog already does talk to you with his body language.  We list 7 feelings and the corresponding body language that your dog might display in communicating how he feels.  How good are you at reading a dog’s body language?

Happy – Wagging tail, moving in a relaxed way, soft focus eyes, mouth slightly open panting evenly and gently.

Happy dog reading your dog's body language

Anxious – Sometimes a dog will wag his tail if he is anxious rather than happy.  This will be a slower movement at a slightly lower position. Other signs of anxiety are eyes that are either narrow or wide and staring.  The dog may also yawn and lick his lips repeatedly.

Afraid – How the dog shows this emotion will vary dramatically from dog to dog.  Some will try to make themselves as small as possible, others will stand very still while barking and growling, while others will roll on their backs.

Angry – The dog will make himself look as big as possible. Their fur often will stand on end. They tend to put their weight forward over their front legs. The mouth will often be open with the lips drawn back.

angry dog reading a dog's body language

Frustrated – Tense and stiff-legged is one of the first indicators of this emotion. Eyes wide and unblinking.  Stiff lips

Relief – a dog suddenly relieved from his worries will charge around like crazy.  You will notice his facial expressions visibly relax.

Curious – If a dog is curious about something he will tend to cock his head to one side.  Some dogs will lift one paw. The mouth is often closed.

Curious dog reading your dog's body language