Diabetes in dogs: 7 signs you shouldn’t ignore

On World Diabetes Day, we thought we’d give you a little more information about the disease.  We often hear about the ways in which people are affected by this disease, but did you know that dogs are also prone to diabetes? Diabetes in dogs is common and can show as 2 different distinct forms – insulin-deficient diabetes (the dog can’t produce enough insulin to keep glucose levels under control), and insulin-resistant diabetes (pregnancy or hormone levels prevent the dog’s insulin from functioning properly).

What are the risk factors for diabetes in dogs?

  • Breed  – Some breeds (such as dachshunds, schnauzers and samoyeds) are more prone to the disease than others and mixed breeds are more likely to develop diabetes than pure breeds
  • Age – Diabetes can occur in dogs at almost any age, but is seen more typically in dogs between the ages of 7 and 10 years old
  • Gender – Female dogs tend to be more prone to the disease
  • Being overweight
  • Eating a poor diet
  • Having other medical conditions also contribute to developing diabetes

Signs your dog may have diabetes

You may notice some physical changes in your dog that could indicate that he or she has diabetes.

  • Your dog is a lot more hungry than normal
  • The dog is also a lot more thirsty than normal
  • Is your dog losing weight?
  • Perhaps your dog is needing to urinate more frequently and in larger quantities
  • Is your dog more tired than usual with low levels of energy?
  • Your dog is experiencing vision problems including the development of cataracts
  • Is your dog having more urinary tract infections than usual?

If you can answer yes to a few of the scenarios above, you should consider taking your dog to see your vet, where blood tests will determine whether your pet has diabetes or if there is another health concern.

What treatment is available for diabetes in dogs?

A diabetes diagnosis means that your dog will require treatment, which will involve trying to keep glucose levels within a specific range.   Ensuring that your dog has a measured and controlled diet, is put on a weight loss program if he is overweight, and has an exercise plan will be important elements of the treatment programme.  Dietary changes will focus on a high fibre, low fat diet although some veterinarian’s may prescribe a prescription diet specifically designed for diabetic dogs. It will be important to avoid table scraps, which can play havoc with the glucose levels. Exercise is vital for lowering blood glucose levels, but should be regular and consistent in duration and the exertion required. Losing weight is very helpful in making cells use insulin more efficiently thereby keeping blood sugar levels in check. Home testing of the glucose levels will become a regular part of your routine.

Following diagnosis your vet may decide that your pet will also require medication in the form of insulin injections.  For many pets this will need to be administered twice a day (once every 12 hours) after a meal.  It will be really important to stick to a strict schedule if injections are required.

Conditions that arise as a result of diabetes in dogs

Unfortunately other conditions can arise as a result of diabetes, such as cataracts, hardening of the arteries, nerve problems, and infections of the gum, urinary tract, and skin. Some of these can be life threatening, so treatment for diabetes is essential.


Don’t ignore the signs your dog may have diabetes. Most diabetic dogs can have treatment at home.  Although the daily routine may now require a few more steps, this soon becomes a normal part of daily living.  Dogs with diabetes receiving consistent treatment can enjoy a full and happy life.

Information given in this article is not a substitute for advice from a qualified medical professional.  Please consult a vet for advice specific to your dog.