10 Cycling Essentials You Need For A Successful Trip

If you’re off on a cycling adventure out in the wilderness you need to ensure you fully prepare. There are so many cycling trips that end in disappointment due to lack of preparation or simply forgetting a key piece of gear. We have put together a comprehensive list of 10 cycling essentials to help you enjoy a successful trip!

Waterproof clothing

Riding in the rain is not fun but it can be made bearable with waterproof clothing. Even if the weather forecast is good for the day of your trip, still pack your waterproofs just in case the rain sets in. The last thing you want is getting wet and staying wet! At least if you have your waterproofs, you can take them off when the rain stops and you’ll be dry underneath. Waterproof clothing should definitely be at the top of your cycling essentials list!

Puncture repair kit

A puncture repair kit is always a must-have cycling essential for any cycling trip no matter how far you are cycling. Just imagine if you didn’t pack one and your tyre got a puncture! It would surely end your trip prematurely. How disappointing would that be?

Puncture repair kits are always readily available at a good price and they will help you get back up and running in no time at all if you do have a mishap.

Extra footwear

On any cycling adventure, you’re not going to be on your bike the entire time. There will be times when you’ll want to take a break to have a walk around and take in some great scenery. When this time comes, you’ll want comfortable footwear and not the ones you’ve been riding in!

Bike lock

Another cycling essential you’ll want to make sure you take is a bike lock! When you do step away from your cycle and do a bit of wandering around, you’ll want to be certain that your bike is safe. The easiest way to do this is chain it up in a dedicated cycle area with a bike lock. Hopefully, you have one of these already so just don’t forget it!


Who needs a map in 2018? Surely I can get by with my smartphone? While this may be the case most of the time, in rural areas data connectivity may be an issue. Having a paper map is always a good backup and it’s also always great to have a specialist cycling map that clearly displays cycle routes.

Food and plenty of water

Cycling is a strenuous activity. You need to be fit. You also need fuel, but not the sort you put in your car! For any cycling trip, food and water are your fuel and you need plenty to keep you going. Be sure to pack enough so you don’t dehydrate or end up feeling too fatigued from lack of food.

Smartphone or camera

Your smartphone or camera are items you don’t want to be without on a cycling adventure. There’ll be times where you’ll witness some incredible scenery and you’ll surely want to capture that moment forever. We’d recommend a smartphone over your camera though as you can use cycling apps, maps and so much more too.

Bike rack

This is a must for those long journeys in your car before you get to a cycle route. Not all cycling trips will warrant driving, but plenty will. If yours does, a bike rack is one of the best solutions for transporting your bike safely to your destination.

Boot-related products

If you’re off on a cycling adventure that requires you to get behind the wheel and you want to go that extra mile, boot-related products can be a great addition. Luckily, Travall has you covered.

The Travall Guard
Maximise space with one of our vehicle-specific Travall guards. It will also enable you to transport all of your cycling gear including helmets, backpacks, spare clothing and footwear securely. Giving you peace of mind on your journey and letting you enjoy a stress-free ride.

The Travall Liner
The Travall Liner is designed just for the car you drive and will help to protect your boot’s interior from wet perspiration-drenched or rain-drenched clothing, muck and more. The durable Travall Liner works in tandem with the entire Travall line of vehicle-specific accessories and will greatly cut down the time you spend on maintaining your boot’s interior.

The Travall Protector
Another great addition to your vehicle would be the vehicle-specific Travall Protector. This is a rear bumper protector that helps guard against scuffs and scratches. It is perfect for protection when loading and unloading your car with your cycling gear.

We hope you enjoyed reading our top cycling essentials for a successful trip. Until next time…