Christmas travel essentials: is your car properly equipped?

Travelling around Christmas time can be really fun. Have you ever noticed that there tends to be more that you need to pack in the car at this time of year?  We give the lowdown on Christmas travel essentials for your car to make the road trip even more enjoyable.

The weather can be unpredictable in December, so your travel essentials checklist should prepare you for rain, snow and ice.  Our post Driving in a Winter Wonderland details all the items that you will need to have on board.  In addition to that list, there are 4 specific Christmas travel essentials to make travel comfortable for everyone on board.

Travall Guard

You can stack your boot to the roof with suitcases and presents in the knowledge that if you have to brake hard on the journey your gear will stay in the boot and your passengers have that extra protection from loose objects. The Travall Guard is key to maximising your boot space when you need it the most.

Travall Christmas gift ideas

Travall Divider

To give Fido a squash-free zone in the back of the car.  When your dog is comfortable in the car, you can relax on the journey.  With a Travall Divider installed you’ll know that your dog has his own special area and is protected from your other gear that could otherwise invade his space when you turn a corner.

Travall Mats

An essential, so that when your pumpkin spice latte gets spilled en route, clean up will be a breeze.  Travall Mats are an all-weather option that keep the carpet in your car’s footwells clean and dry. There’s a lipped design that keeps spilled liquid on the mat.  The tyre-tread design ensures there’s no slipping underfoot either. So whether you’ve tracked in mud after the Boxing Day walk, had snow quickly turn to puddles of water in your toasty car, or dropped crumbs from your cheeky mince pie snack, you’ll be glad of this waterproof option.

Wellies on Travall Mats, Christmas travel essentials

Travall Sillguards

At Christmas time there tends to be a whole array of footwear options that people need for the season and some of these can be less than kind on the paintwork in the doorsill area of your car.  If you’ve got people in stiletto heels off to a party, or people in heavy snowboots off to spend time sledding, your car’s going to need added protection. To protect doorsills from party shoes, heavy snow boots and more, Travall Sillguards provide the perfect solution.

Sillguards, Christmas travel essentials

Wherever your travels take you this Christmas, we wish you an enjoyable journey.