Avoiding wet dog woes: tips to keep your dog comfortable on rainy days

It’s November and we’re fully into that wet and windy weather that some people love and others loathe. The same is true for dogs with some not wanting to leave the warmth of a cosy home, while others can’t wait to get out and find the biggest puddle around. Whichever camp you or your dog falls into, we’ve got some tips to help keep your dog comfortable on rainy days.

Check the weather forecast

It’s not always possible, but if you can avoid walking in the heaviest of rain, it will be more pleasant for you and your dog. Check the precipitation forecast ahead of time and try to go for walks when there’s less chance of rain or when the rain is predicted to be lighter.

Add a waterproof

Just as you may put on your most waterproof gear there are some relatively inexpensive options available for dogs. Just be sure to get a good fit (not too tight or loose) to avoid discomfort.

Avoid puddles

Some dogs will naturally do this, whereas others may want to plunge straight in. Unfortunately standing water can encourage bacteria to develop which is not great for your dog to ingest. It can also contain other residual chemicals that has run off from roads and gardens such as oil from cars or fertilizers. If your dog does walk through puddles, try to wash off his feet on the return home, so that anything harmful is washed away. 

Equip your car

Adding a waterproof boot mat plus towels and additional blankets is advisable. This keeps your boot’s interior clean and dry and allows your dog to be warmer and more comfortable on the drive home. 

Get him dried off as soon as possible

Towel drying your dog as soon as you get home is important. Not just to avoid rain being shaken from his fur around your home, but to make sure he stays healthy. Exposure to cold, wet conditions can lead to respiratory illness in a dog such as pneumonia, so getting him warm and dry quickly can help to avoid this.