Are we there yet? 7 tips for enjoyable half-term holidays with kids

You may have heard that “the family that adventures together stays together.” Going on family half-term holidays in the car may sound like fun.  But, how do you feel when you haven’t even left your own village and you hear, “Mum, Joe’s touching my side of the car” and “Mum, Hannah’s making breathing noises”? No matter where you are going, a carload of bickering kids is exhausting. It can leave everyone feeling irritable. As with other parenting dilemmas, there are a few things that you can do. These tips can help to stop the brawling in the back seat and save your sanity on the journey ahead. So read on to make half-term holidays with kids that bit more enjoyable for everyone.

7 tips for half-term holidays when travelling with kids

Don’t allow space invasion
Kids may love playing space invaders on electronic devices, but don’t allow them to invade the space of other children in the vehicle.  Car seats are somewhat helpful in achieving this, as everyone sits in a defined area. Make sure that each child knows to keep his arms, legs, and other belongings to himself. Installing a
vehicle-specific dog guard to ensure the family dog is securely positioned in the boot and not sitting on passenger’s laps can also help, as no one likes to be cramped on a journey.

Keep busy minds busy
If kids are occupied they are less likely to become restless and fractious.  Having a small amount of screen time can be OK for a bit of quiet time in the car. However,  prolonged screen viewing can be counterproductive.

Playing travel games can mean that the whole family interacts.  This group interaction can help deflect attention away from the children.  Simple guessing games such as I Spy or Rainbow Car (where you look for cars on the road following the colours of the rainbow) can be played by the whole family and can be a good way for very young children to learn names of objects or colours. Leta Elliott, writer and editor of the blog Attachment Mummy, has some great ideas for more travel games with kids.

Alternatively, listening to a book on CD can keep the whole family entertained and, especially if there are funny sections, can keep a light-hearted mood in the car.

Take regular breaks
Even adults can struggle to enjoy a long journey.  Make sure that you build breaks into the route so that everyone can visit the loo, get a bit of exercise, and enjoy some fresh air.

Provide healthy snacks and drinks
Providing some healthy, nutritious snacks can be helpful to prevent kids getting irritable when they are starting to get hungry.  Keeping the snacks healthy is important so you don’t have the backlash of sugar rushes to deal with. Adding
vehicle-specific rubber car mats makes it easy to clean up if anything gets dropped or spilled.

Don’t fuel the fighting
The children need to know that they are not going to win your attention by bickering with one another. If the arguments are escalating, don’t allow them to be further fueled by getting your attention. If the bickering is not abating, when you are in a safe place, pull over and stop, and in a calm, unhurried manner inform the kids that the journey will not continue until they stop yelling at or annoying one another. To deflect attention away from the children, try to busy yourself by doing something yourself that does not relate to the kids and no matter how hurried you might feel, try to appear as if there is no urgency to continue with the journey.

Establish consequences for poor behaviour and enforce them
Children need to know that there will be consequences for poor behaviour.  Establish what those consequences will be and stick to them if the poor behaviour continues.  Your response should vary depending on the child’s age, but consequences need to be realistic and enforceable.  An example might be restricting access to a favourite toy for a short amount of time.

Provide incentives for good behaviour and follow through
It is important that the kids understand what behaviour is acceptable to use and reinforce that by praising good behaviour and giving them your attention when they use good behaviour. The next suggestion might sound a bit like bribery, but you can say things like, “If you stop arguing, I will play catch with you when we reach our destination.”  In this way, the kids will stop squabbling in the car, will get some exercise after sitting down for so long, and will get the focused attention from you at the end of the journey that they’ve been craving. Make sure you follow through on your side of the bargain.

These tips may help you achieve a bit more harmony on your half-term holidays.  All of the tips can be used in modified ways across many age groups. Try to adjust your approach as the kids grow, as what is highly effective during the terrible twos doesn’t work in quite the same way for tweens or adolescents.  We’d love to hear the solutions that have helped your family. Why not share them so more families can experience half-term holidays where the journey is as enjoyable as the destination?