7 ways to have a truly happy Christmas

“It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” according to the Christmas song from the 1960s and for a lot of us it certainly is as we enjoy the festivities of the season in our comfortable lives.  Despite the sparkle of the tinsel at this time of year, some people find that Christmas can be a bit flat as the commercial aspects of the season dominate.  We all know the adage that it is better to give than to receive. This can be one way to truly get into the spirit of the season. Giving doesn’t necessarily mean buying presents for people. As Mahatma Ghandi said, “the best way to find yourself is in the service of others.” How can you best help others at a time of year that can be a struggle for many? We’ve come up with 7 ways to have a truly happy Christmas by giving back this season, raising your spirits and having festive fun at the same time.

Invite someone for Christmas dinner
Families often live a lot further away from each other than they used to.  As a result, more people are alone at Christmas.  Whether because of work commitments or other reasons, many are unable to spend Christmas with family and friends.  Think of people in your community who live alone and might feel especially lonely on Christmas Day.  Do you know someone who might appreciate being invited over for Christmas dinner?

Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Many people in our towns and cities dread every night that they spend on the cold streets at this time of year.  Could you spend a little time to help out at a homeless shelter, so that homeless people in your area can enjoy a good meal and a roof over their heads during the dark winter nights?

Take part in a Santa run
Are you sporty?  Perhaps you can find a Santa run in your area (hundreds of them take place annually across the UK). This allows you to give money to a charitable cause while having fun at the same time.

Donate a coat
Many of us have coats hanging in the cupboard that we no longer wear or that our kids have outgrown.  Winter is the perfect time to have a rummage through these cupboards and find cosy clothing that someone else would be very glad to receive.  Wrap Up London and other charities accept these types of items.

Give to your local animal shelter
Animal shelters are often desperate for donations in the form of food and toys.  Call your local shelter to find out what would be most useful for them.  Travall employees took this approach last month and were happy to donate what was collected in the office to the RSPCA shelter in Derby.

Purchase charity Christmas cards
This is an easy option if you will be buying Christmas cards to send to family and friends anyway.  If you buy a charity card, you’ll know that a portion of the proceeds will go to help that particular charity.

Offer your time
Maybe you have a friend who has recently had a baby.  Perhaps you could offer to babysit one evening.  Or, do you have an elderly neighbour who is struggling to shop for food or collect prescriptions in poor weather conditions?  Perhaps you could offer to shop for him or her, or as suggested by Age UK, pop in to make a cup of tea and have a chat.

If you’ve never been involved in charitable work before, it’s not too late to begin.  Simply start small and enjoy the feeling of reward and wellbeing you get from helping someone else.  Be the reason someone else smiles this Christmas – it just might make you smile too. Happy Christmas!