6 safety tips when walking your dog at night

The autumn and winter months are wonderful times of the year with so many things to enjoy and look forward to doing. However, for many people the prospect of going for a walk in the dark isn’t quite so appealing. So what do you do if you feel that way, but still need to walk your dog at night? We’ve got some simple safety tips to follow to keep you and your pup visible, so that you can both enjoy your evening walks.

Be visible

Dress your dog and yourself in reflective clothing/gear. Many leads and collars are reflective and some light up, so you can see your dog and you can be seen by motorists and other pedestrians too. 

Use a lead

Keep your dog on the lead as nocturnal animals can spook an off-lead dog. Using a short lead at night is also preferable so your dog is well within your sight and reach.

Use your senses

Stay alert to what is going on around you. Make sure you can hear what is happening around you, so don’t wear headphones at night. Enhance your vision by using a headlamp so you are aware of uneven surfaces or obstacles on your route. 

Stay connected

Have a fully charged phone with you, so you can easily contact a friend or emergency services if assistance is required. 

Take a familiar route

A dark evening is not the time to explore new walking routes. Stay on familiar routes and use well-lit roads.

Find a buddy

Partner with a friend who has a dog so you can walk together on your evening walks.