5 ways to show your dog love all year round

Did you know that February is responsible dog ownership month? Any dog owner knows that this is not exclusive to just one month a year. However, it does serve as a reminder to evaluate whether you are giving your dog the best care possible. If you find that there are some areas that could use improvement, why not include some of the following. They are a great way to boost socialisation, exercise requirements, his general well being and to show your dog love on Valentine’s Day and year round. 

Get a health check

Make sure your dog’s vaccinations are up to date and flea and worming treatments are too. Check that his weight is in a good range for his age and breed – being overweight or underweight can bring health issues. Staying on top of your dog’s health care really is the best way to show your dog love.

Sign up to get social

Staying socialised with other dogs and people is really important. Why not sign up for a dog obedience class, so you can polish up your commands and meet other pups and people at the same time?

Pamper your pup

Book a grooming session at your local dog groomers to get his coat and claws in tip top shape. 

Drive him securely and in style

Make sure your pup is secure and safe in your vehicle. Not only is it in the best interests of your pup, the driver and other vehicles on the road, it is actually the law in the UK. Adding a car accessory for driving with dogs such as a dog guard, ensures that everyone enjoys the journey.

transporting a dog securely
Travall Guard, Divider and TailGates shown in a Jaguar XF Sportbrake

Extend the exercise routine

If your daily walks are starting to  resemble Groundhog Day, why not change things up a little. An agility class is perfect for some dogs and is a great way for you and your dog to burn energy.