5 reasons why a Travall Guard outperforms a universal dog guard 

In life there are many purchasing choices to make. What car to buy? Whether to grab a salad or a sandwich for lunch? Is the cotton shirt or the linen blend a better option? The list goes on. For the vast majority of us, no matter what we are buying, we want to make sure that not only are we making the best purchasing decisions to meet our lifestyle needs and our personal tastes, but also that we are making well-informed decisions that make financial sense. Making the decision to purchase car accessories is no exception. We thought we’d give you more information so that if you are looking to buy a dog guard, you are even better informed. We look closely at universal dog guards versus vehicle-specific dog guards to show why a Travall Guard outperforms a universal dog guard on virtually every count.


Have you ever bought one-size-fits-all clothing? If you have you’ll know that it may cover your body, but does it actually fit correctly or even look good on?  Well…you know what the answer to that is don’t you.  Car accessories, including dog guards, are no different.  With the interior of vehicles being so diverse between makes and even between models in the same brand, a universal guard is just not going to fit well.  That’s why a Travall Guard, made to take into consideration not only the make, model and production year of each vehicle, but whether there is a sunroof in the car too, is going to give that perfect, precision fit you’d want.


Many universal guards are spray painted with black paint. This thin layer tends to chip with use leaving unsightly metal exposed, or worse, rust. With a Travall Guard, the steel mesh and frame are dip-coated in a special coating made from non-toxic ingredients. The tough finish is resistant to scratches and bites. So your dog guard will continue to look great for years to come. 

Ride experience

The Travall Guard is designed to fit your exact vehicle by using the existing attachments in the car. As a result, the Travall dog guard outperforms a universal guard because it fits very securely and doesn’t get jostled around even on the bumpiest roads. The result is a very quiet ride experience, no annoying squeaks or rattles and no worries about the dog guard falling down mid journey.  The same cannot be said of universal guards. The ill fit and the inability to attach it securely, means that with the universal dog guard not only is there a lot of noise but it’s an unreliable barrier on any journey.


Sometimes it’s worth paying a little bit more initially to save money in the long run. This is definitely true when you are looking at a dog guard purchase. Universal dog guards are cheaper, there is no question about that. But you may find it’s a false economy with the need to replace the universal guard frequently in the search for a better fitting one-size-fits-all version.  With a vehicle-specific dog guard, that added passenger protection, the assurance of a precision, rattle-free fit on a product that will last the lifetime of your vehicle, is worth paying that bit extra for.


When you buy a universal guard, you get a dog guard and nothing more.  When you purchase a Travall Guard there is often the option to add even more functionality with the addition of compatible accessories. So you can make even more use of the boot space and adapt it to meet your lifestyle needs.  The addition of a Travall Divider allows the boot to be separated into two parts – room for your dog and room for your child’s buggy, groceries, or whatever else you need to transport. With a Travall Guard and Divider you could also add a Travall TailGate to deter your dog from leaping from the boot when it opens.  Unlike universal dog guards, Travall accessories allow you to be in full control no matter where your journey takes you.