4 ways to celebrate each week of National Pet Month 

Yay it’s National Pet Month! As a brand that puts pets at the heart of what we do, this month is certainly one of our favourites. It’s a chance to think about better ways of living with our pets. And a chance to show them just how important they are in our daily lives.  If you’ve been looking for ideas to show your pup how great he is, why not do something different for him every week of April. He’ll love it and we think you may too.

Week 1: Pamper your pup

April is a time when we turn our thoughts to spring cleaning. It’s a great time to give your pup a freshen up after the dark days of winter too.  Why not book him into your local grooming parlour for a makeover? Or give him some extra special grooming in the comfort of your own home using our handy tips.

Dog grooming, Spring cleaning your dog, dog sitting in white bath

Week 2: Equip your car for dog adventures

Your pup wants to be with you and you want to be with your pup. So what better way than to bring him on your outdoor adventures with you. Equipping your car correctly makes excursions with your dog so much easier. Why not add a boot organisation system to your vehicle, that’s designed to keep your dog securely positioned and designed to fit perfectly for a rattle free ride? The Travall Guard, Divider and TailGate, fit those criteria to perfection. Take a look at what’s available for your car using Travall’s simple to use vehicle selector.

dog crate

Week 3: Tickle your dog’s tastebuds

The way to many a soul’s heart is through the stomach and dogs are no different. Most dogs respond well to high value treats. Why not tickle your dog’s tastebuds with some homemade options that are dog friendly, affordable and (for him) downright delicious?

dog treat

Week 4: Take up a new activity together

I don’t know about you but my dog and I get somewhat tired of repeating the same walks day after day. I bet you feel the same way. We’ve decided to mix it up with some new activities to enjoy together.  Why not look in your area for an agility class to polish up both your training skills? We’re also embarking on a regular canicross outing so that we can both run to our heart’s content. 
