4 pet trends that you’ll want your dog to experience (no, really!)

Trends are defined as a movement in a specific direction or something that has seen a huge upswing in popularity. The reality is that some trends are simply fads – they arrive, are hailed as the new best thing, then swiftly disappear into obscurity.  Over the years we’ve all tried different things in an attempt to improve our lives in some way, only to find they aren’t all they are cracked up to be.  With the significant growth in pet ownership in recent years, and changes in the way we’re living our lives, we’re starting to see more trends emerge related to dogs and their care.  We’ve taken a look at some pet trends that are likely to go the distance. Find out more about them and why these are trends for the better, with the potential to enhance your time with your pup.

Fitness trackers 

We all want to stay fit and healthy and want the same for our loved ones, dogs included. In my quest for personal health and well being I have become a big fan of fitness trackers.  My own device has been a welcome addition to my life.  It helps me focus on trying to increase my levels of exercise and to eat more healthily. I am always intrigued to see how many steps I’ve achieved. I’ve been thinking more about how to give my dog the optimal exercise for his age and breed. With dog obesity at record high levels, this is an easy way to make sure your pup is moving enough. There are a plethora of devices on the market that enable you to track your dog’s fitness based on a variety of factors.  Some are basic exercise trackers, but others give more in-depth information about the dog’s sleep patterns.  Some (such as Kippy Vita) even help when you have a dog off-leash whose recall skills are selective.  We particularly liked vet-designed FitBark, which is also compatible with FitBit, Apple HealthKit or Google Fit devices.  

All-natural diets

With more and more people eating clean or watching their intake of processed foods, it is little wonder that all-natural food products for dogs is one of the pet trends on the list.  Many pet owners claim that the overall health of their dogs is vastly improved by following an all-natural diet. From better energy levels, to healthy weight, to improved coat appearance, the benefits are numerous. For these reasons many pet owners are moving away from some of the commercial dog foods consisting of fillers, additives and preservatives. If you’re considering switching to an all-natural diet for your dog, talk to your vet about the most appropriate for your pup.

Dog-enhanced workouts

Another trend that has emerged from the pandemic is people exercising in different ways with their dogs.  Canicross, doga and SUP have all seen a big rise in popularity.  So, when you want to exercise without going for a walk, but want your pup to work out with you there are plenty of options that will also push your own fitness levels.

Travelling in style

If there’s one thing that we’ve learned in lockdown it is that having our dogs around us has made a world of difference to our wellbeing.  With the prospect of lockdown restrictions being eased in the not too distant future and life returning to something like normal, we’re still going to want our dogs to be with us when we leave the house more. The Travall Guard and Divider is a particularly good combination, where you can also add a TailGate barrier.  Your dog has a comfortable, secure position in the vehicle and is deterred from leaping out when you open the boot. Equipping our cars properly so that our dogs can be even more a part of life’s journey is one of the pet trends that certainly won’t go out of vogue.