3 steps to prepare your dog for the arrival of your new baby

Welcoming a baby to the world brings many joys. If you’re an expectant parent you are probably brimming with excitement right now – a new baby is about to enter your life and you just can’t wait. But is the same true for your dog?  We detail 3 steps that will help to prepare your dog for the arrival of your new baby, so he is content with the new family dynamic.

Reinforce your dog training skills before the new baby arrives

When you have a newborn to look after, you will out of necessity have less time and attention to devote to your dog.  It’s essential that you brush up on training before the baby arrives by reinforcing commands. Using verbal commands will be especially helpful when you have your hands full. The “sit”, “down” and “stay” commands are always useful to practice. The “leave it” command  can be particularly helpful and is good to reinforce with all the new gear and toys in your home. Training your dog to not jump up will be invaluable too. If you’ve used crate training with your dog, encouraging him to relax in the crate when you are occupied is also a good option. Using plenty of positive reinforcement for good behaviours is key. It can also be beneficial to learn to read your dog’s body language more closely, so that you can anticipate when your dog is becoming anxious or frustrated. 

Change your living environment ahead of time

If you intend to have areas of your home that are out of bounds for your dog such as the baby’s nursery, install gates so your dog gets used to the areas that he can go to.

Now is the time to make new rules if you need to do so.  For example, if your dog will be sleeping in a different room, get him comfortable with this before the baby arrives.

Introduce different scents (such as baby lotion) by using them yourself so your dog is familiar with these new baby smells. 

For those with dogs that are sensitive to sounds, playing recordings of baby sounds can help them adjust to the noise of a baby crying.

Equip your car before your baby arrives

Adding a dog guard to your vehicle is ideal when you know you are going to be transporting your baby and your dog at the same time.  If your dog guard is vehicle specific such as the Travall Guard it can also be used as a luggage barrier, providing additional protection to babies in rear-facing car seats. With a dog guard installed you can relax in the knowledge that your baby and your dog are both securely positioned.

Change in a family can be hard for some dogs, so being well prepared can be key in making the adjustment easier.  Always take a cautious approach,  have extra treats on hand, and get ready to teach your new baby how to treat your dog with respect as she grows into a toddler.